
Breathing, Meditation & Movement Online Event 13 of February 2021


Want to learn how the combination of movement, meditation, and breathing can give you the tools for a healthier lifestyle? Join us in this unique online event where we will teach you how to include all these magnificent ancestral practices in your daily life in a fun and efficient way!

Increase your physical resilience, train your mind to focus, and foster peace and happiness within you.

Unfold is a mix of ancient practices including movement, breathing techniques, meditation practices, and rituals. For this event, you will have access to specific theory modules in our online learning platform for you to complete at your own convenience.

On our retreat day, we will guide you through each practice live using zoom, where you will re-discover:

  • 🤸🏾‍♂️  Your Movement Potential based on Natural Movement practices. Fun and accessible, little equipment needed
  •   🌬️Powerful breathing practices that will teach you control over your nervous system and so much more
  • 🧠  A Scientific Approach to Meditation that will help you re-wire your brain
  • 🌕 How to understand the cycles of the Moon and its effects on your physical and mental state
  • 🪕 What it means to perform a ritual and the role of music and movement around the fire as our ancestors did (in this case, in a virtual circle) 🧍‍♀️🧍

Together we can transform our lives and become the best versions of ourselves!

Location: Online

Date: 13.02.2021

Duration: From 13:00 until 16:00, and from 17:30 until 20:30

Language: English

Time Zone: CET (German time)



Our program will consist of our unique combination of the Natural Movement systems MovNat, Breathing Practices, and NeuroMeditation. A powerful combination that covers fundamental aspects of a Healthy Lifestyle.

The theoretical modules will be available through our online learning platform for you to watch at your own pace and time.

We will have a guest speaker (will be announced shortly) for the interview and we will be performing a new moon ceremony followed by live music and stories about ancestral wisdom


“Breathing is the bridge between the unconscious and conscious action.”

With in it lyes the key to regulating our nervous system, allowing us to influence our sympathetic and parasympathetic responses as well as regulating our mind

During this retreat you will experience:

– The power of the breath through guided breathing sessions

– Exercises to increase your pulmonary capacity and generate heat

– Different Breathing Techniques



We know that meditation has a deep impact on the mind and the body. Now imagine using neuroscience to enhance and expand those benefits!

With NeuroMeditation®️, you can re-wire your brain to overcome obstacles, address mental health needs, and achieve your goals. The NeuroMeditation®️ process creates an individualized approach to enhance your relationships, work performance, and quality of life

During this Retreat you will experience:

– Understanding the basic principles of how your brain works

– Learning how to use meditation to rewire unconscious behavior

– Guided Meditations to teach you the individual styles



MovNat will let you explore your body’s innate capability of moving and adapting in and to the environment. We take you back to human nature and show you how you need to move to adapt to the natural landscape.

During this retreat you will experience:

– Ground Movements and how they can keep your body mobile and strong

– Learn easy and fun movement sequences that you can use in your everyday training

– Learn about natural movement and how this perspective can help you train your body and your mind


Ancient wisdom supports the breath and the stillness of the mind as the key to connect to our intuition. That is to live in the present by augmenting our trust, reducing our anxiety, and teaching an equilibrium in mind, body, and spirit.

On the new moon, we will have the opportunity to understand the perspective of external cosmic events, such as the moon’s cycle, and how they integrate into our own life and how we can use the cycle to set and achieve our own goals.

A Ceremony, a Music Journey and a few exercises to reconnect to our intuitive knowledge and return to our center will complete the evening during this very special event.

The Online Event including Theory Modules costs:


Out of stock

If you find yourself having financial difficulties, please don’t hesitate to contact us, we will try to accommodate your personal situation.

Live Interview with HEATHER HARGRAVES

Heather Hargraves, MA is a trauma therapist and researcher in London, Ontario, Canada. Heather specializes in the use of neuro and biofeedback technologies to support a broad range of neurologically and/or psychologically traumatized clients within her clinical practice.

Heather’s research interests investigate the neurological underpinnings of various states of consciousness, including dissociation, meditation, psychedelics and various polyphasic states of consciousness, associated with shamanic practices. Her masters research focused on the therapeutic induction of altered states of consciousness, based on research findings related to psilocybin (i.e., magic mushrooms).

Prior to her training as a neurofeedback therapist Heather worked as a yoga and meditation instructor, as well as a reflexologist and Thai massage therapist. It was her personal experience with these modalities that inspired her to pursue further study as a therapist, with a focus toward understanding the neurological underpinnings of these mind/body therapies.

Currently, Heather is an advocate for the interface of neurofeedback modalities with psychedelic therapies, with an emphasis on the preparation and integration periods that bookend psychedelic therapies, once they are legalized.

Meet the Trainers

Bernd Reicheneder

MovNat Master Trainer L3

Primal Health Coach

I’ve been doing sports all of my life thanks to my parent’s influence. I’ve done- ski, tennis, soccer, hiking, tree climbing.
My first confrontation with real sports was at my orange belt in Shotokan Karate, where the Sensei let me pass so that I wouldn’t be too disappointed… This was the beginning, this was my kick in the ass to always give my best and be well prepared physically.

Not knowing in which direction I should go I ended up studying sports, then archaeology, and finally a better way to move than Martial Arts, Natural Movement, or the method behind it: MovNat.

This got my heart and my soul, everything I’ve done in my life converged and made sense. I feel very lucky I was found by MovNat, because if you have to look for your luck, you will not find it.

Andres Santamaria

Wim Hof Instructor

MovNat Certified Trainer L2

I have always had an interest in learning more about what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. When I first started to experience panic attacks and anxiety 8 years ago I completely re-designed my life searching for balance.

I first entered the realm of breathing practices training to become a Wim Hof instructor, together with my movement training, learning MovNat, and working Online with Jon Yuen and Ido Portal’s team I have been able to mix both disciplines to heal my body from 10 years of a corporate lifestyle.  I keep on learning and deepening my knowledge so I can help others on their journeys.

Marbod Kindermann

NeuroMeditation Instructor

MovNat Certified Trainer L2

I discovered a keen interest in natural lifestyle elements in 2010 with the continued quest to understand what it really means to be healthy for our body, our mind, and our spirit.

Even though I hold a degree in mechanical engineering, over the past decade I have delved into passions such as nutrition, breathwork, biohacking, and stress management.

On my journey to cope with my corporate stress I discovered the power of meditation and dug deeper into the brain science behind it, now helping others as a NeuroMeditation Instructor to find a meditation practice that fits their needs

Felipe Duarte

Native Indigenous practices –

Sound Healing

Reiki Practitioner

I found myself holding space for ceremonies, and doing energy work by following my intuition from a young age. I took decisions that always seemed risky to others and went through paths alone that others didn’t dare to walk. It all brought me to learning directly from the wisdom of native indigenous from the Muisca, the Arhuaco and the Kichwa from where I keep learning. Today as a student of Kriya Yoga I find the interconnection between Zen, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism and Indigenous wisdom and weave this knowledge through ceremonies so we all share a new understanding of our body, our cycles and our cosmos. The cosmos outside as the cosmos within.

The Online Event including Theory Modules costs:


Out of stock

If you find yourself having financial difficulties, please don’t hesitate to contact us, we will try to accommodate your personal situation.

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